AL’s Classic
TLDR: Crisp, easy-drinking lager that’s mostly alcohol-free.
Approachable, easygoing AL’s just wants to have a good time. Expect all the crisp, approachable flavors of an old-school American lager with none of the off-putting aftertaste that haunts so many n/a beers. Because it’s fermented like a traditional beer, then dealcoholized, AL’s contains small amounts of trace alcohol: approximately 0.5% ABV per 12-ounce can. More classic than complex, AL’s is made for shady porches, sunny baseball games, or pretty much any situation that would benefit from breezy refreshment.
Bready flavors
Pleasantly bitter finish
Crisp and effervescent
Bready Flavors
Herbal Notes
Grassy Hops
54 calories per 12-ounce can
Sip it Straight
Drink Al’s ice-cold in a chilled lager glass—or straight from the can.
Shandy Magic
Combine a half-can of AL’s with 6 ounces of lemonade (bottled or homemade) and pour over ice into a pint glass for the ultimate porch pounder.
Turn Al’s into the ultimate party app: Whisk a can of AL’s plus a tablespoon of cornstarch and cup of evaporated milk in a saucepan over low heat until smooth, then bring to a boil and cook, stirring, until thick, approximately 1 minute. Whisk in a teaspoon of tamari, tablespoon of Dijon, and pinch of cayenne. Reduce heat to low, add 12 ounces of shredded sharp cheddar, and stir until melted. Salt to taste, then serve with pretzels, celery sticks, and hot sauce on the side.
Beer Cheese for Everyone
AL’s Classic
AL’s has been keeping the party going since 2020, when music industry veteran Alban du Pury and his partner, Fanny Karst, created the company in New York City. Their motivation? To make a nonalcoholic beer that du Pury, who was consuming less and less alcohol, actually wanted to drink. Turns out, du Pury wasn’t alone. Now distributed by Craft Collective, who also carries n/a stalwarts like Ghia and traditional breweries Finback and Singlecut, AL’s Classic is popular among those who do and don’t drink alcohol, with 200-odd Untapped check-ins to prove it.
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